Jeudi 24 février nous irons voire "PRECIOUS LIFE"

Un documentaire israélien de Shlomi Eldar / VOSTF / 1h30
Toute la complexité du conflit israélo-palestinien dans le combat d’une famille palestinienne et de médecins israéliens pour sauver la vie de Mohammad, 4 mois, atteint d’une maladie génétique...

Le conflit entre les deux peuples commencent par les conflit qui oppose au Proche-orient donc les arabes et les juives. c’est le 14 mai 1948 que commence le conflit entre le Palestine et l’israel .A cause  de la maladresse des européen  et des grandes puissances en sachant  que la terre que on  a donnée aux israélien n’était pas leur terre.
Donc si aujourd’hui, il y a des actes criminels entres ces deux peuples c’est a cause de ce conflit de terres .pour éviter  des actes criminels enter les deux peuples,il faut résoudre le problème de terres.
Malgré les mesures de sécurité prise par israéliens y a toujours des inconvénients des pertes de vies humains qu’on déplore de jours en jours.
Aujourd’hui ce n’est pas seulement des palestiniens et les israélien mais les pays  arabes (musulmans) contrent les juifs. Pour qu’il y est la peux entre ces pays ils faut rendre des territoires palestiniens   occupés par les israélien, chercher un autre territoire  pour les israélien et tout cela en collaboration avec  la Palestine propriétaire du terre.
The country belonged to the Palestine before the 2nd world war. This means that they were the  1st  to inhabit the land .it was called CISJORDANIC before the  isrealienne came to live there .the isrealienne aren ‘t to blame for the right tthat are happening now.they were given a land that belonged to the Palestine to live in after the war by the USA &THE EUROPEANS .

I  think that giving a land that didn’t  belonged to them in the fit place to someone else out of  guilt
(people felt guilty after the 2nd world war) is just plain wrong .This caused  a very big problem between the two countries. The name  of the country  which was CISJORDANIC was changed to ISREAL because the Isrealienne belette that since it was given to them it is rightfully tirs which is not true because the Palestines  were  the 1st  to inhabit the land .
 I also think that the building of the val has nothing to do with  terrorist or no terrorist act .The wall being  but was done to keep the Palestine  from going out of tir part of the land  and also to keep  the Palestine that were allowed to go out from coming back into their land. It was done as an act of seperation and  to show how dominant they are. They did it to dominate the land.

The killing of the Isrealienne family helpd the building of the wall .I must agree that killing is not a good thing at all  and whoever has the courage to kill can be said to be a terrorist because killing is an act of terrorism. The Palestine killed a family of 5(the parents,a baby,an 11 years old child and a 3 years old child (the parents and their three children)).he was bing very wicked & stupid  because the family never did any thing to him,he killed them because they were Isrealienne and the act put his people in trouble by province that the Isrealienne were right  that building the wall is to keep them safe from terroristes acts and from terroristes.

1. If the USA & THE EUROPEANS felt guilty  why didn’t they give the Jews  a part of tir own land?
2. Why do you think he killed the Isrealienne family?
3. What do you think about all this?
4. Who do you think has more right to clam the land?
5. Do you think they can both live together in peace?
